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Distributed Meeting Scheduler

System Overview

This tutorial demonstrates building a distributed meeting scheduling system using Ceylon's agent-based architecture. The system efficiently coordinates meeting times across multiple participants while handling real-world scheduling complexities.

What We'll Build

A distributed system that: 1. Coordinates meeting schedules across multiple participants 2. Finds optimal meeting times based on availability 3. Handles scheduling conflicts and constraints 4. Manages concurrent scheduling requests 5. Provides real-time responses and updates

Key Features

  • Distributed Processing: Each participant runs as an independent agent
  • Automated Negotiation: System automatically finds suitable time slots
  • Conflict Resolution: Handles overlapping meetings and time conflicts
  • Scalable Architecture: Easily add or remove participants
  • Fault Tolerance: Handles participant disconnections and failures

Architecture Diagram

graph TD
    A[Scheduler Agent] --> B[Time Slot Manager]
    A --> C[Conflict Resolver]
    A --> D[Response Aggregator]

    B --> E[Availability Checker]
    C --> E

    P1[Participant 1] --> A
    P2[Participant 2] --> A
    P3[Participant 3] --> A

    subgraph "Each Participant"
        CAL[Calendar Manager]
        AH[Availability Handler]
        COM[Communication Module]

System Components

  1. Scheduler Agent

    • Coordinates the scheduling process
    • Manages participant responses
    • Implements scheduling algorithms
  2. Participant Agents

    • Manage individual availability
    • Handle meeting requests
    • Track scheduled meetings
  3. Communication Protocol

    • Availability requests/responses
    • Meeting confirmations
    • Schedule updates
  4. Business Logic

    • Time slot validation
    • Conflict detection
    • Priority handling

Core Components

Data Models

class TimeSlot:
    date: str
    start_time: int  # 24-hour format (0-23)
    end_time: int

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((, self.start_time, self.end_time))

    def validate(self) -> bool:
        return (0 <= self.start_time < 24 and
                0 <= self.end_time <= 24 and
                self.start_time < self.end_time)

class Meeting:
    name: str
    date: str
    duration: int
    minimum_participants: int
    priority: int = 1

    def validate(self) -> bool:
        return (self.duration > 0 and
                self.minimum_participants > 0 and
                self.priority > 0)

class SchedulingResult:
    meeting: Meeting
    time_slot: TimeSlot
    participants: List[str]
    status: str
    error_message: Optional[str] = None

Enhanced Participant Implementation

class Participant(Worker):
    def __init__(self, name: str, available_times: List[TimeSlot],
                 admin_peer: str): = name
        self.available_times = self._validate_times(available_times)
        self.scheduled_meetings: Dict[str, TimeSlot] = {}
        super().__init__(name=name, admin_peer=admin_peer)

    def _validate_times(self, times: List[TimeSlot]) -> List[TimeSlot]:
        return [t for t in times if t.validate()]

    async def handle_request(self, data: AvailabilityRequest,
                             time: int, agent: AgentDetail):
            is_available = self._check_availability(
                data.time_slot, data.time_slot.duration)

            response = AvailabilityResponse(
            await self.broadcast_message(response)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error checking availability: {e}")

    def _check_availability(self, slot: TimeSlot,
                            duration: int) -> bool:
        # Check conflicts with scheduled meetings
        if any(self._has_conflict(slot, scheduled_slot)
               for scheduled_slot in self.scheduled_meetings.values()):
            return False

        # Check if slot fits in available times
        return any(self._fits_in_slot(slot, available_slot, duration)
                   for available_slot in self.available_times)

    def _has_conflict(slot1: TimeSlot, slot2: TimeSlot) -> bool:
        return ( == and
                slot1.start_time < slot2.end_time and
                slot2.start_time < slot1.end_time)

    def _fits_in_slot(slot: TimeSlot, available: TimeSlot,
                      duration: int) -> bool:
        if !=
            return False
        latest_start = max(slot.start_time, available.start_time)
        earliest_end = min(slot.end_time, available.end_time)
        return earliest_end - latest_start >= duration

Enhanced Scheduler Implementation

class Scheduler(Admin):
    def __init__(self, meeting: Meeting):
        self.meeting = meeting
        self.agreed_slots: Dict[TimeSlot, List[str]] = {}
        self.current_slot: Optional[TimeSlot] = None
        self.max_attempts = 10
        self.attempt_count = 0

    async def handle_connection(self, topic: str, agent: AgentDetail):
        if not self.current_slot:
            self.current_slot = TimeSlot(
                8,  # Start at 8 AM
                8 + self.meeting.duration
            await self._try_schedule()

    async def _try_schedule(self):
        if self.attempt_count >= self.max_attempts:
            await self._handle_scheduling_failure()

        self.attempt_count += 1
        await self.broadcast_message(

    async def handle_response(self, data: AvailabilityResponse,
                              time: int, agent: AgentDetail):
        if not data.available:
            await self._try_next_slot()

        slot_key = f"{}_{data.time_slot.start_time}"
        if slot_key not in self.agreed_slots:
            self.agreed_slots[slot_key] = []

        if data.participant not in self.agreed_slots[slot_key]:

        if len(self.agreed_slots[slot_key]) >= self.meeting.minimum_participants:
            await self._finalize_meeting(slot_key)

    async def _try_next_slot(self):
        next_slot = TimeSlot(
            self.current_slot.start_time + 1,
            self.current_slot.start_time + 1 + self.meeting.duration

        if next_slot.end_time > 17:  # Don't schedule after 5 PM
            await self._handle_scheduling_failure()

        self.current_slot = next_slot
        await self._try_schedule()

    async def _finalize_meeting(self, slot_key):
        participants = self.agreed_slots[slot_key]
        print(f"Meeting scheduled at {slot_key}")
        print(f"Participants: {', '.join(participants)}")
        await self.stop()

    async def _handle_scheduling_failure(self):
        print("Failed to find suitable time slot")
        await self.stop()

Scheduling Scenarios

1. Successful First Attempt

    participant S as Scheduler
    participant A as Alice
    participant B as Bob
    participant C as Charlie

    Note over S: Meeting(duration=1, min_participants=2)

    A->>S: Connect
    B->>S: Connect
    C->>S: Connect

    S->>+A: AvailabilityRequest(8:00-9:00)
    S->>+B: AvailabilityRequest(8:00-9:00)
    S->>+C: AvailabilityRequest(8:00-9:00)

    A-->>-S: Response(available=true)
    B-->>-S: Response(available=true)
    C-->>-S: Response(available=false)

    Note over S: Minimum participants reached

    S->>A: Meeting Confirmed
    S->>B: Meeting Confirmed
    S->>C: Meeting Confirmed

2. Multiple Attempts

    participant S as Scheduler
    participant A as Alice
    participant B as Bob

    Note over S: Initial slot: 8:00-9:00

    S->>A: AvailabilityRequest(8:00)
    S->>B: AvailabilityRequest(8:00)

    A-->>S: Response(false)
    B-->>S: Response(false)

    Note over S: Try next slot: 9:00-10:00

    S->>A: AvailabilityRequest(9:00)
    S->>B: AvailabilityRequest(9:00)

    A-->>S: Response(true)
    B-->>S: Response(true)

    Note over S: Success at second attempt

    S->>A: Meeting Confirmed(9:00)
    S->>B: Meeting Confirmed(9:00)

3. Scheduling Failure

    participant S as Scheduler
    participant A as Alice
    participant B as Bob

    Note over S: max_attempts = 3

    loop 3 times
        S->>A: AvailabilityRequest
        S->>B: AvailabilityRequest
        A-->>S: Response(false)
        B-->>S: Response(false)
        Note over S: Try next slot

    Note over S: Max attempts reached

    S->>A: Scheduling Failed
    S->>B: Scheduling Failed

4. Conflict Resolution

    participant S as Scheduler
    participant P1 as Participant1
    participant P2 as Participant2

    Note over P1,P2: Both have existing meeting 10:00-11:00

    S->>P1: AvailabilityRequest(10:00)
    S->>P2: AvailabilityRequest(10:00)

    Note over P1: Check conflicts
    Note over P2: Check conflicts

    P1-->>S: Response(false)
    P2-->>S: Response(false)

    Note over S: Adjust time slot

    S->>P1: AvailabilityRequest(11:00)
    S->>P2: AvailabilityRequest(11:00)

    P1-->>S: Response(true)
    P2-->>S: Response(true)

Error Handling and Recovery

  1. Participant Disconnection:

    async def handle_disconnection(self, agent: AgentDetail):
        # Remove from current slot agreements
        for participants in self.agreed_slots.values():
            if in participants:
        # Retry current slot if minimum participants lost
        if self.current_slot:
            await self._try_schedule()

  2. Invalid Time Slots:

    def validate_time_slot(slot: TimeSlot) -> bool:
        if not slot.validate():
            return False
        # Business hours check (8 AM - 5 PM)
        if not (8 <= slot.start_time <= 17 and
                8 <= slot.end_time <= 17):
            return False
        # Weekend check
        date_obj = datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d")
        if date_obj.weekday() >= 5:
            return False
        return True

  3. Scheduling Timeout:

    async def schedule_with_timeout(self, timeout: int = 300):
            async with asyncio.timeout(timeout):
                await self._try_schedule()
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await self._handle_scheduling_failure()

System Extensions

  1. Priority-based Scheduling:

    class PriorityScheduler(Scheduler):
        def __init__(self, meetings: List[Meeting]):
            self.meetings = sorted(
                key=lambda m: m.priority,

  2. Recurring Meetings:

    class RecurringMeeting(Meeting):
        frequency: str  # "daily", "weekly", "monthly"
        end_date: str
        def generate_instances(self) -> List[Meeting]:
            instances = []
            current = datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d")
            end = datetime.strptime(self.end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
            while current <= end:
                if self.frequency == "daily":
                    current += timedelta(days=1)
                elif self.frequency == "weekly":
                    current += timedelta(weeks=1)
                elif self.frequency == "monthly":
                    current = current.replace(
                        month=current.month % 12 + 1,
                        year=current.year + current.month // 12
            return instances