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Ceylon Framework Core Concepts Guide

Agent System Architecture

Admin Agent

The central coordinator in a Ceylon system.

from ceylon import Admin

class CoordinatorAdmin(Admin):
    def __init__(self, name="coordinator", port=8888):
        super().__init__(name=name, port=port)

Key characteristics: - One admin per system - Manages worker connections - Coordinates task distribution - Handles system-wide state

Worker Agent

Performs specific tasks within the system.

from ceylon import Worker

class TaskWorker(Worker):
    def __init__(self, name: str, role: str):
        super().__init__(name=name, role=role)

Key characteristics: - Multiple workers per system - Specialized task execution - Reports to admin agent - Independent operation

Message System

Message Types

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

class Message:
    id: str
    content: Any
    timestamp: float

Core message principles: - Immutable data structures - Type-safe communication - Metadata inclusion - Serializable format

Message Handlers

from ceylon import on, on_run, on_connect

class MessageHandling:
    async def handle_specific(self, msg: MessageType):
        # Handle specific message type

    async def handle_run(self, inputs: bytes):
        # Main execution loop

    async def handle_connection(self, topic: str, agent: AgentDetail):
        # Connection handling

Communication Patterns

Direct Communication

class DirectCommunication(Worker):
    async def send_to_peer(self, peer_id: str, data: Any):
        await self.send_message(peer_id, data)

Broadcast Communication

class BroadcastCommunication(Admin):
    async def notify_all(self, data: Any):
        await self.broadcast_message(data)

State Management

Agent State

from enum import Enum

class AgentState(Enum):
    IDLE = "idle"
    PROCESSING = "processing"
    ERROR = "error"

class StateManagement(Worker):
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = AgentState.IDLE

State Transitions

class StatefulAgent(Worker):
    async def transition_state(self, new_state: AgentState):
        old_state = self.state
        self.state = new_state
        await self.notify_state_change(old_state, new_state)

Event Processing

Event Handling

class EventProcessor(Worker):
    async def process_event(self, event: Event):
        if self.can_handle(event):
            await self.handle_event(event)
            await self.forward_event(event)

Event Flow

class EventFlow(Admin):
    async def manage_event_flow(self, event: Event):
        # Preprocessing
        processed_event = await self.preprocess(event)

        # Distribution
        await self.distribute_event(processed_event)

        # Monitoring
        await self.monitor_event_processing(processed_event)

Resource Management

Resource Lifecycle

class ResourceManager(Worker):
    async def __aenter__(self):
        await self.acquire_resources()
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        await self.release_resources()

Resource Pooling

class ResourcePool:
    def __init__(self, size: int):
        self.pool = asyncio.Queue(size)
        self.in_use = set()

    async def acquire(self):
        resource = await self.pool.get()
        return resource

    async def release(self, resource):
        await self.pool.put(resource)

Error Handling

Basic Error Handling

class ErrorHandler(Worker):
    async def safe_execute(self, task):
            return await self.execute_task(task)
        except Exception as e:
            await self.handle_error(task, e)

Retry Mechanism

class RetryMechanism(Worker):
    async def with_retry(self, operation, max_retries=3):
        for attempt in range(max_retries):
                return await operation()
            except Exception as e:
                if attempt == max_retries - 1:
                await asyncio.sleep(2 ** attempt)

System Integration

External Service Integration

class ServiceIntegrator(Worker):
    async def interact_with_service(self, service_request):
        # Convert to external format
        external_request = self.convert_request(service_request)

        # Make external call
        response = await self.call_service(external_request)

        # Convert response back
        return self.convert_response(response)

Data Flow

class DataFlowManager(Admin):
    async def manage_data_flow(self, data):
        # Input validation
        validated_data = await self.validate(data)

        # Processing
        processed_data = await self.process(validated_data)

        # Distribution
        await self.distribute(processed_data)

Core Utilities

Message Conversion

class MessageConverter:
    def to_bytes(message: Any) -> bytes:
        return pickle.dumps(message)

    def from_bytes(data: bytes) -> Any:
        return pickle.loads(data)

Agent Identification

class AgentIdentification:
    def create_agent_id(name: str, role: str) -> str:
        return f"{name}_{role}_{uuid.uuid4()}"

System Lifecycle


async def initialize_system():
    # Create admin
    admin = AdminAgent(port=8888)

    # Create workers
    workers = [
        for i in range(3)

    # Start system
    await admin.start_agent(b"", workers)


async def shutdown_system(admin: Admin, workers: List[Worker]):
    # Stop workers
    for worker in workers:
        await worker.stop()

    # Stop admin
    await admin.stop()

Key Concepts Summary

  1. Agent Hierarchy

    • Admin agents coordinate
    • Worker agents execute
    • Clear responsibility separation
  2. Message-Based Communication

    • Type-safe messages
    • Asynchronous processing
    • Event-driven architecture
  3. State Management

    • Clear state definitions
    • Controlled transitions
    • State monitoring
  4. Resource Handling

    • Proper initialization
    • Clean cleanup
    • Resource pooling
  5. Error Management

    • Graceful error handling
    • Retry mechanisms
    • Error reporting

These core concepts provide the foundation for building robust distributed systems with Ceylon.