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Building a Distributed Auction System with Ceylon Playground

This tutorial demonstrates how to build a distributed auction system using Ceylon's TaskPlayGround functionality. The system implements a multi-agent auction where bidders compete for items using random bidding strategies.

System Architecture

graph TB
    subgraph Playground[Auction Playground]
        TM[Task Manager]
        AG[Auction Group]
        GT[Goal Tracker]

    subgraph Agents[Auction Agents]
        B1[Bidder 1]
        B2[Bidder 2]
        B3[Bidder 3]

    subgraph Tasks[Auction Tasks]
        T1[Bid Task 1]
        T2[Bid Task 2]
        T3[Bid Task 3]

    TM --> AG
    AG --> GT
    AG --> |Assigns| T1
    AG --> |Assigns| T2
    AG --> |Assigns| T3
    T1 --> |Executed by| B1
    T2 --> |Executed by| B2
    T3 --> |Executed by| B3
    GT --> |Monitors| T1
    GT --> |Monitors| T2
    GT --> |Monitors| T3

Core Components

1. Data Models

First, let's define our core data structures:

class Item:
    name: str
    starting_price: float

class Bid:
    bidder: str
    amount: float
    item_id: str

2. Auction Agent

The AuctionAgent class represents each bidder in the system:

class AuctionAgent(TaskExecutionAgent):
    def __init__(self, name: str, budget: float, max_concurrent_tasks: int = 1):
        self.budget = budget
        self.bids: Dict[str, Bid] = {}

Key features: - Inherits from TaskExecutionAgent for task management - Maintains a budget for bidding - Tracks bid history - Implements random bidding strategy

3. Auction Setup

The setup_auction function configures the playground and creates tasks:

async def setup_auction(
    item: Item,
    bidders: List[AuctionAgent],
    min_bids: int
) -> TaskPlayGround:
    playground = TaskPlayGround(name="auction_system")

    # Create auction tasks
    auction_tasks = [
            name=f"Place bid for {}",
            description=f"Submit bid for {}",
                'type': 'auction_bid',
                'item': item.__dict__,
        for bidder in bidders

    # Create task group
    auction_group = TaskManager.create_task_group(...)

    return playground, auction_group

Implementation Steps

1. Initialize the System

# Create auction item
item = Item("Rare Painting", 1000.0)

# Create bidders with budgets
bidders = [
    AuctionAgent("Alice", 1500.0),
    AuctionAgent("Bob", 1200.0),
    AuctionAgent("Charlie", 2000.0)

2. Configure Bidding Strategy

The random bidding strategy uses two factors:

# Random multiplier (1.0 to 2.0) for starting price
random_multiplier = 1.0 + random.random()

# Random percentage of remaining budget
budget_percentage = random.random()

# Calculate final bid
base_bid = item.starting_price * random_multiplier
budget_portion = (self.budget - base_bid) * budget_percentage
bid_amount = min(self.budget, base_bid + budget_portion)

3. Run the Auction

async def run_auction(
    item: Item,
    bidders: List[AuctionAgent],
    min_bids: int
) -> Optional[Bid]:

    # Setup system
    playground, auction_group = await setup_auction(item, bidders, min_bids)

    # Run auction
    async with as active_playground:
        await active_playground.assign_task_groups([auction_group])
        completed_tasks = await active_playground.wait_and_get_completed_tasks()

        # Process results
        valid_bids = [
            for task in completed_tasks.values()
            if task.completed and 'bid' in (task.metadata or {})

        # Determine winner
        if valid_bids:
            return max(valid_bids, key=lambda x: x.amount)
    return None

Monitoring and Control

1. Goal Tracking

The system uses a goal checker to monitor bid progress:

def check_bid_count(task_groups: dict, completed_tasks: dict) -> bool:
    bid_count = sum(
        1 for task in completed_tasks.values()
        if task.completed and 'bid' in (task.metadata or {})
    return bid_count >= min_bids

2. Task Status Updates

Monitor task completion and results:

completed_tasks = await active_playground.wait_and_get_completed_tasks()
task_results = active_playground.get_task_results()

Error Handling

The system includes comprehensive error handling:

  1. Task Level:

        # Process auction task
        task.completed = True
    except Exception as e:
        task.completed = False
        task.metadata['error'] = str(e)

  2. Auction Level:

        # Run auction
        async with as active_playground:
            # ... auction logic ...
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error running auction: {e}")
        return None

Running the System

Complete example of running an auction:

async def main():
    # Setup auction
    item = Item("Rare Painting", 1000.0)
    bidders = [
        AuctionAgent("Alice", 1500.0),
        AuctionAgent("Bob", 1200.0),
        AuctionAgent("Charlie", 2000.0),
        AuctionAgent("David", 2800.0)

    # Run auction
    winning_bid = await run_auction(

    # Process results
    if winning_bid:"Winner: {winning_bid.bidder}")"Amount: ${winning_bid.amount:.2f}")
    else:"Auction failed to complete")

if __name__ == "__main__":

System Flow

    participant M as Main
    participant P as Playground
    participant TM as TaskManager
    participant B as Bidders

    M->>P: Create Playground
    M->>TM: Create Task Group

    loop For each bidder
        TM->>B: Assign Bid Task
        B->>TM: Submit Bid

    TM->>P: Check Goal Progress

    alt Enough Bids
        P->>M: Return Results
    else Timeout/Failure
        P->>M: Return None

Customization Options

  1. Bidding Strategy

    • Modify random factors
    • Implement different bidding algorithms
    • Add bid increment rules
  2. Auction Rules

    • Change minimum bid requirements
    • Add time limits
    • Implement reserve prices
  3. Task Configuration

    • Adjust task duration
    • Modify concurrent task limits
    • Add task dependencies

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling

    • Always include try-except blocks
    • Log errors with context
    • Implement cleanup in finally blocks
  2. Resource Management

    • Use async context managers
    • Clean up resources properly
    • Monitor system resources
  3. Monitoring

    • Log important events
    • Track task progress
    • Monitor system health

Example Output

2025-01-26 10:15:30 | INFO | Starting auction for Rare Painting
2025-01-26 10:15:30 | INFO | Starting price: $1000.00
2025-01-26 10:15:30 | INFO | Minimum bids required: 2
2025-01-26 10:15:30 | INFO | Number of bidders: 4

2025-01-26 10:15:31 | INFO | Alice placed bid: $1432.50
2025-01-26 10:15:31 | INFO | Bob placed bid: $1150.75
2025-01-26 10:15:31 | INFO | Charlie placed bid: $1875.25
2025-01-26 10:15:31 | INFO | David placed bid: $2234.80

2025-01-26 10:15:32 | INFO | Auction completed successfully!
2025-01-26 10:15:32 | INFO | Winner: David
2025-01-26 10:15:32 | INFO | Winning bid: $2234.80


This tutorial demonstrated building a distributed auction system using Ceylon's TaskPlayGround. The system provides: - Scalable multi-agent architecture - Random bidding strategies - Comprehensive monitoring - Robust error handling - Flexible customization options

For more information, visit the Ceylon documentation at